Audi Puddle Lights Door Logo Projector

Puddle lights are a feature on many Audi cars. They are small, round lights located on the side mirrors that light up the ground at the side of the car when it is dark. This can help the driver see puddles or other obstacles in the dark and avoid them. Puddle lights can also be used to light up a path for getting into or out of the car.


How to use Audi puddle lights

One of the features that makes Audi vehicles stand out is the use of puddle lights. These lights are located on the bottom of the side mirrors and project a light onto the ground near the car when it is parked. This can be a helpful feature, especially at night or in low-light conditions, as it makes it easier to see where you are going when getting in or out of the car. Puddle lights can also be used to show off your Audi’s unique style. In this article, we will explain how to use Audi puddle lights and provide some tips on how to get the most out of them.

Audi Puddle Lights


Audi puddle lights are small LED lights located on the side mirrors of some Audi cars. They are designed to light up the ground next to the car when the door is opened, in order to provide illumination and avoid stepping in puddles or other moisture. While their use is not universal, they are a common feature on many Audi models.

The origins of Audi puddle lights are somewhat murky, but they appear to have been first introduced in 2010 on the Audi A8L. The lights were an optional extra that could be added to the car for an additional cost. They were not universally popular, with some reviewers stating that they were a gimmick that served no real purpose. However, over time they have gained in popularity and are now a standard feature on many Audi models.


Puddle lights are small, low-power lights that are installed on the side of a car near the ground. They are designed to light up the ground next to the car when it is dark, making it easier for the driver to see where they are walking. Puddle lights can be installed in a number of ways, but the most common way is to use self-adhesive tape to attach them to the body of the car.

Where to find Audi puddle lights

One of the coolest features on newer Audi models are the puddle lights. These are small lights that project a beam of light onto the ground near the car when the door is opened, so you can see where you’re stepping. They’re a really nice touch, and they can be a lifesaver on rainy or snowy days. But where do you find them?

Audi has hidden the puddle lights in some pretty unusual places on different models. On some cars, they’re built into the door mirrors. On others, they’re integrated into the bottom of the doors. And on still others, they’re located in special panels near the rear wheels. So if you’re looking for Audi puddle lights, it’s important to know where to look.

What are the benefits of Audi puddle lights?

Audi puddle lights are a recent addition to the Audi lineup and offer a few benefits over traditional puddle lights. First, they are brighter and more distinct than traditional puddle lights. This makes them easier to see when entering or exiting the car. Second, they are customizable. Audi puddle lights can be set to any color, allowing drivers to match them to their car’s color scheme or personal preferences. Finally, they add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the car. For drivers who appreciate the finer things in life, Audi puddle lights are a great way to enhance their driving experience.


Are Audi puddle lights worth the investment? This is a question that many Audi owners may ask themselves. Puddle lights are small, LED lights that are mounted on the side of the car near the doors. They light up the ground near the car when it is dark, in order to help the driver see where they are going. Some people find them helpful, while others find them unnecessary. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of Audi puddle lights, in order to help you decide if they are worth purchasing for your car.

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