As the temperature drops, the cold and dampness can pose different problems for your car. Winter preparation for your car is a great way to ensure you don’t get caught out on a cold dark morning. Whether you plan to keep driving through the winter or store your car safely, we have some great tips to keep your car in tip-top condition.
Here is our guide to prepping your car for the winter.
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Park smartly
When you park your car for the winter, you want to make sure that it’s as protected from the elements as much as possible. Ideally, this means parking it inside parking garages or other enclosed structures; if it is a climate-controlled space, then even better! If that’s not an option for you, try parking as close to your house as possible, you may think there are no cheap options available to park your car for longer periods of time in the cities, but worry not, there are plenty of services available that offer this. If you don’t have any choice but to park outside, try to find a nice level surface with no overhanging trees or bushes where they might deposit debris onto your car and cause rusting issues later on down the road.
Check your battery
The cold weather can be particularly hard on your car’s battery. Car batteries are usually good for up to 5 years Before you start driving in snow and ice, it’s important to make sure your car is in great shape. If your battery is nearing the end of its life, take it to a local mechanic to check it for you. Here are some common things you can look for:
- Corrosion on the terminals or cover
- Low electrolyte levels
- Loose cables or terminals
Check your antifreeze levels
Antifreeze does what it says on the tin. It is a liquid that keeps your engine cool in winter by keeping water in liquid form. This allows the water to flow through the cooling system and absorb heat from the engine, so it doesn’t freeze on cold days. You can check your antifreeze levels by following these simple steps:
- Park on a level surface
- Let the car cool down
- Pop the hood
- Open the plastic coolant reservoir
- Note the levels
- Check the liquid is free from rust or debris
- If required, you can top it up at home, but check with your car manufacturer what type and mix it requires. (some cars need the liquid to be watered down)
Check your tires and carry a spare
Your tires will need to be in good condition if you plan on driving through the winter. You should do some simple checks to ensure your safety.
- Check your tire pressure – Make sure it’s the correct pressure, and add air if necessary to keep the tires from going flat over time.
- Check your tread depth – If it’s too low, you run the risk of hydroplaning or losing control of your vehicle because of poor traction on icy or wet roads.
- Carry a spare tire with you – You can also get blowouts during cold weather driving conditions because the amount of air in a tire decreases as its temperature decreases, which reduces its ability to support itself under high speeds without damaging itself internally by flattening out too much against road surfaces.
Install good winter wiper blades
Wiper blades are essential, you will be using them throughout the winter, and you want to be sure you can see clearly out of the windshield. The good news is that it’s not hard to get them replaced, and it can make a big difference in how well you see out of your car.
Check your wiper blades for any damage. They are relatively easy to replace yourself but check with your car manufacturer to get the right size; follow this handy guide to do it yourself. Not all wiper blades are the same, and if you get them too large or too small, it will cause issues with visibility.
Keep an ice scraper in your car
You may think that when you park your car, it’s safe and warm. But as soon as the temperature drops or precipitation hits, ice can form on your windshield and make it impossible for you to see out. A good ice scraper will be able to withstand cold temperatures (and any snow that accumulates) without breaking or bending in half.
You’ve probably seen those big plastic scrapers at gas stations or convenience stores—those are great for scraping off a regular amount of snow, but if there’s been a lot of freezing rain, they won’t cut through thick layers of ice as real metal scrapers do!
Metal ice scrapers have durable blades made from stainless steel (or other materials), which means they won’t rust over time; they also tend not to bend under pressure, so they’ll stay sharp longer than their plastic counterparts might otherwise hold up against repeated use throughout one season alone.
Check your heater and defroster
When winter rolls around, one of the most important things to check in your car is how well your heaters and defrosters are working. If you find that they’re not functioning properly, take them to a mechanic so they can be repaired or replaced.
If you want to know how well your car’s heater is working, turn on the fan at full blast and watch as it blows through either a vent or an opening near your feet; if there’s no air coming out at full speed, this means that something’s wrong with either your fan or blower motor. On the other hand, if it isn’t blowing enough air out despite being turned up all the way, you might need a new thermostat for better control over temperature settings.
Keep an emergency kit in your car (with jumper cables)
It is a great idea t any time of the year to have an emergency car kit, but this is even more important during winter. Here are some items you should include:
- A flashlight
- Flares/reflectors
- A first aid kit and emergency blanket
- Jumper cables (they’ll come in handy if you get stuck on the side of the road!)
Having a plan to keep yourself and your car safe is the most important thing you can do into winter. Prepping your car for the winter may seem insignificant, but if you follow the above steps, you will be ready to go safe, knowing you are prepared for any eventuality.