What to Do After Bicycle Accident

Over 130,000 bicyclists are injured in crashes in the US every year, and almost 1,000 bicyclists lose their lives in accidents. Bicycle accidents are very dangerous because, unlike passengers in a vehicle, bicyclists’ bodies absorb most of the force of the crash. This leads to extremely painful and serious injuries to the upper and lower extremities such as renal contusions, dental fractures, broken ribs, road rash, pancreatic trauma, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Maho | Prentice, LLP, a personal injury attorney in Santa Barbara, states that these injuries caused bicycle accident victims pain and suffering and financial losses.


Call 911

If you are able to, immediately dial 911 to report the accident. If you were unable to, then have a witness or the driver of the vehicle call for you. When the police arrive, they will take a statement from you and the driver. Get a copy of the police report before leaving the accident scene. 

Bicycle Accident

Exchange Information

You should get the name, address, email address, phone number, and car insurance information of the driver who hit you and provide them with your contact information. You should also get contact information for passengers in their vehicle or other witnesses. If you are unable to get their contact information, then have a witness get the information for you. This information will be necessary when you file your claim later on. You are not obligated to continue talking to the driver of the vehicle, and it’s best to avoid discussing how the accident happened.

Take Photos

If you are able to, then you should take pictures of the accident scene, which can be extremely helpful in personal injury cases to establish liability. Here are some tips to help you take photos:


  • Wide shots: Take pictures from a safe distance that encompass the entire scene of the accident, like the street name where it happened, traffic signs, and any debris or nearby construction zones
  • Close-up shots: close-up photos can capture details that wide shots can’t, such as damage to your bike, the license plate of the car, and your injuries.

Go To The Emergency Room

Bicycle accidents can lead to serious injuries because of the weight and mass difference between a passenger vehicle and a bicyclist. If a bicyclist was not wearing a helmet, then they can suffer from head and traumatic brain injuries. Therefore, you should head to the nearest emergency room even if you don’t think you have been injured. Many injuries have delayed onset symptoms, which means that you won’t feel the injury for several hours or days.

Follow Your Treatment Plan

After a physician has assessed you, you will be given information on what you should do to promote healing. You should rest, not exert yourself after your accident and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Continue going to your appointments and sharing your information with your attorney. If you do not follow the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor, the insurance company may decide to reduce your settlement.

Talk To A Bicycle Accident Attorney

You should speak to a personal injury attorney right away about your accident and what your next step should be. You should call an attorney before you speak to the insurance company because insurance companies have a tendency to intimidate and push victims to accept lower settlements than they deserve, or admit fault for accidents they did not cause. When you have an experienced and respected attorney representing you, then they are less likely to try these manipulative techniques.


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